I was very surprised when the mRNA shots were pushed by OBGYNs with absolutely NO safety data for pregnant women (& everyone else for that matter). Public health has lost credibility.

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Surprised? Not me. That's business as usual. It's to the point they don't even try to be credible to anyone who's informed.

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Deep thank u as a semi retired ob/gyn. If the ACOG really cared about moms and babies , they should have spoke out but chose not to. I am embarrassed , disappointed and disgusted of my specialty.

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I'm old enough to remember when expecting mothers never took anything. They avoided alcohol, pills, etc., etc. Take a vaccination with a baby in the womb? This type of thinking was met with shock. In any way endanger the child? People would have looked askance at the woman. The idea that anyone would consider vaccination while pregnant beleaguers rationality. Why don't they just drink Drano?

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VA is still recommending the covid DeathVax to pregnant veterans...along with the rest of us.

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ditto. we couldn't even clean a cat box

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My mom smoked when she was pregnant back in the 50’s

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Pregnant women are told not to smoke, drink, eat certain cheeses, or change kitty litter, but injecting spike proteins, lipid nanoparticles, and polyethylene glycol, and other toxic ingredients, is OK.

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So true

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In 1993 my ob/gyn said I should get a flu shot when I was pregnant, I then had a “blighted ovum” no heart beat ever developed and I had a miscarriage. I truly believe that had I not had that flu shot, my pregnancy would have been fine…

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When you realize that the goal is not to save or improve the lives of mothers or their babies (or anyone else for that matter), it all makes perfect sense.

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More on Pfizer ongoing studies of the effects of their toxic soup on Pregnant Women


and the Birth Defects


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Thank you for being an advocate for mothers and babies.

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Expecting mothers should also be aware of the RSV and Beyfortus being pushed on them and their babies. Since Beyfortus is a monoclonal it is not obligated to VAERS, yet reports with an association to Beyfortus are still making it into the VAERS system. I'm the only operation capturing the this info. See here: https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/bombshell-new-vaers-update-dec-6

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Why are people still falling for poisons at this stage

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I was there in practice at the time they started pushing flu vaccine on pregnant women with the justification that if these moms to be got the flu it could cause a cytokine storm that might affect the fetus. Well, you know what guarantees you get a cytokine storm? The answer is the flu vaccine.

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Doctors no longer look that smart or caring, now do they...

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No they don’t !!!

They are starting to look more like a death cult.

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Watch Died Suddenly..the ultimate in the depopulation program funded by Gates ..the last person to know what you died of is the mortician ..and they clearly say they have never seen anything like what they have in 50 yrs

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I watched it when it first came out.

It truly is an eye opener.

Thanks for posting for one’s that may not have seen it yet.

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I keep telling folks about it also Tucker Carlson just did an interview with a guy Jenner Faust who exposes the whole jab etc and lies watch that too

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Will do.

Thanks for the heads up.

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Follow the Amish plan for life. No vaccines. Also no measles, no whooping cough, no mumps, no rubella, no TB, no autism, no allergies, no myocarditis, no autoimmune disease.

We have a massive control group that has never taken vaccines, and use virtually no modern medicine short of emergency care.

Its poison folks.

I used to take the flu shot every year for 50 years. Every year I got sick at least twice. I stopped in 2020. Haven't been sick yet, not even a sniffle.

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Haven't taken vaccine in 51 years only then was required to

emigrate to US.

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I suppose you know that getting a vaccine can weaken your natural immunity, so that you dont pass immunity on to your baby. That transferred immunity is supposed to protect your child until they are old enough to have their own immunity.

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Considering what has been taking place, I say all vaccines should be scrapped until, like forever. It's unnatural, biological warfare, enough already. We must resist this population control. Every gov. & affiliate will be held for their crime against humanity. Keep sharing this vital information, I have lots to share myself. The real truth about whats going on in Canada and can be applied world wide!

My writing are based on the Law and ranked in the Best Selling Ranks, top 100 in the Kindle Store # 1 in Legal Ethics, # 1 I Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility & # 2 in Legal Survival Guides in it's first week of publication. Volume three is coming out soon it will first name well over 2000 people informed and served for their crimes against humanity and globally.

Volume 1


Volume 2 https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0DQD1KYKZ/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

Here's a link to my first filed Civil Suit, silenced like thousands of others in this country.


My last Civil Filing was heard April 29th, 2024. The judge went in my favor and put the onus on the justice Department to stop me this time. Of course they committed fraud 100% in all my filings.

I care about our children our future and our country.

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