A simple observation of various religious groups like the Amish that don’t take a single vax are evidence…the question is, are they smarter than the average sheep that line up and do as they are told by the government?!?

Think, resist and do not comply! ✊

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Hi Tracey Thanks so much for your work. It is brilliant.

I have posted a more personal take on the same issues on a new Substack called the Autism Tribune. It would be great to have you and your readers take a look and give feedback. We don't have the strong social movement that is needed in the UK, yet. The Wakefield Winter has had a devastating effect.



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Hi, Really important article here, thank you! Unfortunately, there seems to be a problem with some (possibly all) of your source links...the ones I tried go to the main NCBI page, but they don't bring up actual studies..

To other readers - I'm sure you all appreciate articles like this as perfect for sharing with mainstream media 'kool-aid' drinkers, so it's imperative that we double check links before sharing, otherwise the sheeple use the 'bad' links as confirmation biased 'evidence' with which to invalidate the entire article.

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'Causal relationship between vaccine-induced immunity and autism http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12849883'

Wrong. The data suggests that autistic people have a greater reaction TO the measles. Not that the vaccine FOR the measles causes autism.

I applaud your attempt at citing your nonsense, but if you don't understand what you're reading, please refrain from spouting lies. Thanks :)

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Hi can you provide a link to that article please.

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